Saturday, July 25, 2009

Come see me in Denver

Through a fortuitous turn of events, I am making a long trip out of a short one, and in that I am getting to spend some quality time with my dear friend Tom Casalini as we travel to Minnesota for a talk on Tom's book, Ordinary Heroes.  

After that I am heading to Denver in general, and Ft Collins in particular to see the Documentary Photography Exhibition at the Center for Fine Art Photography, where one of my photographs is on display.

This should be a fun evening and if you are anywhere near there on August 7th, from 6-9, I'd love to see you there.  I would imagine I'll be there for the bulk of the evening, but if you are planning to stop by, please let me know.

Here are the details
The Center for Fine Art Photography, Inc.
(in the Poudre River Arts Center)
400 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO   80524

For more information you can download the press release here

and hopefully the actual invitation will be here soon!

And to make the trip even sweeter, hopefully get to hang out with a bunch of old friends who I have met in my travels through Colorado, or have transplanted there over the years. I am particularly lucky because I get to spend time with my dear friend Kristin Harding of Tulsa who now lives in Denver and we are very excited to do some hiking, photography and general catching up and debauchery!

Hope to see you there!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Upcoming Show

The Watson Studio Gallery is having their "Plastic Fantastic" show starting on July 25th in Johnson City, Texas. This show is all from "plastic" or toy camera's like the Holga, Diana, or even the venerable Lens Baby! These lo-res photos are really fantastically fun and the look is just so cool and interesting--you never really know what you are gonna get--as opposed to the clinical perfection of supersharp lenses and many megapixels and 3" viewing screens.

My Holga's have 2 exposure settings--cloudy or sunny and 4 guess focusing settings-- 1 person, 3 people, 7 people, or mountain. I don't know that I have ever consciously changed that setting, just leaving it to blind luck for something cool to happen with the film. So I was pretty excited when a photo of a church in Northern New Mexico a little while ago was selected for the show!

This photo, Desert Cathedral, is currently drying in the Bucher Photophotographs World Headquarters awaiting framing and then off it goes to Texas for the show. If you are anywhere near, you should stop by as it really looks to be an awesome gathering of images!